Monday, January 14, 2013

Faith Series - Burden

My mum is deaf on one side due to the radiation treatment she went through a couple of years ago due to nose cancer. She survived the advanced stage miraculously.

So each time if she mentioned about unable to hear me over the phone, it will bring me back to the stage when she was unwell. It can be quite painful as it triggers the memories of the ordeal.

Recently she kept talking about unable to hear me over the phone and the emotions and anxiety that overwhelmed me became a burden. I became so obsessed about it. My imagination ran wild, what if and what if??

That night, I sensed a heavy burden like the weight of a huge stone in my heart. I don’t like to hear it or see it and I can’t remove the weight. So under the blanket I dived and pray. I prayed, " God can you remove that burden from me?"

Somehow throughout the conversation, I sense something. And here’s how the conversation goes.

"Jesus. You saw Him and hear Him on the cross, right?"


"Do you love Him? You saw the blood. Do you feel it a burden?

If Jesus is hurt on the Cross, you don’t resist the love you have for Him, right, You don’t feel the burden, do you? Do you cover your eyes and run away and become in denial of the pain that He suffer? You don’t. you love Him even more. You yield to Him even more. You are free to love Him and so much. There is no burden. You are liberated to love. You don't carry His burden. He carry the burden for you and died on the cross for you instead."

So the same applies. When you love your mum so much, there is no burden. All burdens dissipate. His grace in you will enable you so."

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Faith Series - a resilient life

Dear all Readers,

Happy New year 2013.

Remembered Gordon Macdonald who wrote the book - A resilient life

“It makes little difference how fast you can run the 100 meters when the race is 400 meters long. Life is not a sprint; it is a distance run, and it demands the kind of conditioning that enables people to go the distance.”

—Gordon MacDonald

Running Strong

Whose heart doesn’t leap at the sight of a beautifully conditioned runner, effortlessly gliding along, stride-bystride, mile-by-mile? And what runner gets to this place without a thankless—and often lonely—regimen of strategy and self-denial?

Isn’t this the perfect metaphor of what your heart is longing for—running life’s race with intentionality and grace? With strength and focus?

The above excerpt is taken off the book description.
Do you want to read about a resilient life that will inspire you? Click over to Yvonne Foong's story will inspire you.

She was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type 2 since she was 16 and went through 13 surgeries to date and is still going strong. Despite her adversity,  she set up a charitable foundation recently to pledge for RM1 mil before 4 January 2013.

Do contact her if you can lend a hand in the donation. Every little star adds up the universe. And you can be one of the stars.

Thank you.