Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gratitude List

I suppose everyone come across this subject in any book or reading about it in one way or another.

Have you ever tried writing your gratitude list every day? And I mean in discipline, setting aside some minutes every day to write the list. Beside positive things, you can write about your emotions and feelings and frustration so that they’ll not be accumulated up and get all stuffed inside. Trust me, it helps. Write them down and you’ll feel lighter for the day. Here's mine for today:

Dear God, I am thankful that

1. I have a good walk to the train station today although I know that it will be a heavy work day and I feel stressful but I know that the day will end well.

2. I decided to have a short Sabbath evening tomorrow. I have a busy work schedule and classes three times at night and church and my exercise workout on Sunday. My flesh tells me I don’t think I can get through the week! But I am on my way to Wednesday now. This Gratitude list really helps.

3. I have a better sleep yesterday night, no more recurring dreams! Thanks, Lord!

4. I should be able to stay up tonight to finish on reading Book 2 from my class. And review the September exams paper. I have conquered 6 papers for now!

5. I am looking forward to meeting Aunty Nancy in the upcoming seminar on Saturday morning. She is such an inspiring figure, having done missionaries and led in high positions in the social service sector. The workshop is about Called to Do Good Work: A Vision for Vocational Holiness by Dr. Gordon T. Smith.

6. I have a significant responsibility at work to push the 13 APJ countries to keep their certifications in compliance for an upcoming CSAT review. It is quite a tedious project. But each day as I know I will deliver and have done my best, God will do the rest.

7. Today as I am crossing the road, hurrying towards lunch. I saw a simply adorable baby and smiled at him. He returned the most shy, smiley back and made my day!

These are just some of the points I have jotted down during the day and I intend to do that for the rest of 2012 as a Gratitude Project. Try it, you will be surprised of the quiet joy it brings.