Monday, July 4, 2011

Quick Scribble Series

I wish I can deposit my weary urban-driven self into a garden of tranquility lately and am still trying to shed off the fatigue. I figured where and what is next I can do to get a peace of mind, does peace really has to be pursued?

I came upon Six Blue birds written by Bonnie Jensen in Roy Lessin's Dayspring blog, 'Meet me in the Meadow' and the devotional touched me, I was whiffing tears when I finished reading it.

Someday, I hope to get to a meadow and sit under a tree and watch the day goes by. Will I get there? I wish God will bring me away in His whirlwind into another place sometimes.

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Just a while ago, I decided to step off from the work treadmill to visit a book centre and I saw a tree in a meadow picture with the same scripture. I am counting two trees now just like Bonnie Jensen. I want to see Him too.