Monday, August 15, 2011

Hide Thyself by the brook

I wrote this in my quiet time at the end of a day when I am totally exhausted. I hope to share with you lovely readers.

Hide thyself by the brook
As I sat by the brook, under the tree of life deeply root,
Abiding by the living waters of God that keep the falling maple leaves afloat
I listen to the glistening water bubbling in the brook
My eyes on the word flowing from His book..

The thoughts of Him so close fills me to the brim
The wonderful life around the corner I am sure He will bring,
God the almighty, His power majesty, of here He reigns
His grace and his strength no one could ever replace
Then I heard His gentle whisper,
Be still my child, be still
Be not afraid nor anxious but be still,
Come to me and listen to me and rest in me
For there are no other Savior
Who will come to you apart from me

You are not alone for I am with you through the meanders of life
Just like this brook that dries but steadily flow, and
To the next winding bank upon me you will travel
So be not afraid nor anxious but be still
I love you and love you always
With you with you will I go.

Evan C. @copyright