Another year has gone and come. What a journey of little mounds and pathways, isn't it. Which direction have you taken last year? And what have you come upon along the travel? Have you gotten through all the miles alone, stumbled along the way, brush off the dirt and get yourself up on the roads again. Have you met wonderful friends, get into healing connections and a deeper appreciation of what is living life all about? Did you realise that precious time spent with family and loved ones are much more fulfilling and began to appreciate their presence? Have you have quiet time with God and recount the moments He has brought grace? Did you manage to hear a sound on the wind that rest on your soul as you walk along the park? Instead of falling into the quagmire of worries, fear of job insecurity, concerns of dire economic conditions, what are most instrinsic to you this year?
How will your manner of life in 2009 be?
Genesis 1:30And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so.
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