This morning, I woke up feeling I have lost my courage. Have you had that feeling sometimes in any situation that you are currently facing?
Courage to live out the present because you don't know what you will expect next but you want to live out life the best you can today. Courage to face life's next challenge, be it financially, own needs or any endeavor you will be undertaking. Courage to make the next decision or right step. Courage to face the next challenge or curveball that life will be throwing at you. It seems like sometimes you are unable to summon up any courage any more as you set by the side of the bed, thinking how to resolve your situation, make the best out of it or wondering what will get by next.
I reached out to the daily calendar next to my bedside and saw on today's page, a scripture verse that reads:
Depend on the Lord, trust him, and he will take care of you.
Psalm 37:5
God is commited to caring for our needs. Paul tells us that a man who won't feed his own family is worse than an unbeliever (1 Timothy 5:8). How much more will a holy God care for his children like us? After all, how can we fulfill his mission unless our needs are met? How can we teach or minister or influence unless we have our basic needs satisfied? Will God enlist us in his army and not provide a commissionary? Of course not.
Does this verse speaks to you too?